Actor Ajay Devgan and Actress Karina Kapoor coming on the set of Comedy Night with Kapil's 100 show for promoting their upcoming film Singham Return, Actor Ajgar Ali playing role of Dadi fall dowen during act at Filmcity Goregaon Mumbai. - Aadesh A. Pokhare-Choudhari.
Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan and actress Deepika Padukon sharing moment during music launch of their upcoming film at Andheri Mumbai on September 15, 2014.
- Aadesh A. Pokhare-Choudhari.
Five time world champion Indian woman boxer Mary Kom during an event to promote upcoming movie Mary Kom which is base on her life, at hotel in Mumbai.
-Aadesh A. Pokhare-Choudhari.
Fans clicking photos of Actress Vidya Balan in cell phones while she is in role of famous comedian tv character Palak during Zalak Dikhlaja Dance show for promotion of her new film Boby Jasoos where she play rale in different looks, at Filmistan Goregaon Mumbai.
- Aadesh A Pokhare-Choudhari.
Olympic medalist Indian Boxer Vijendra Singh drive Auto Rikshaw to come an event for opening of Tap Sport Bar and his new Bollywood film Fugly promotion at Andheri Mumbai.
-Aadesh A. Pokhare-Choudhari.